Business Checking & Savings
We Offer A Wide Range of Accounts To Meet Your Needs
Our representatives can help you determine which products will best suit your financial needs. Click here to enroll your Business in Card Cash!
Business Regular Checking
- Balance of Less than $1000, minimum balance service charge is $6.00.
- Balance of $1000 or more, No Charge.
- Church, Club, Cemetery, Estate, Escrow, Payroll, and Non-Profit Organizations are exempt from charge.
Business Interest Checking
- Balance of Less than $1000, minimum balance service charge is $6.00.
- Balance of $1000 or more, No Charge.
- Business Interest Checking is only available to Sole Proprietors, Non-Profits, and Government Entities. For-Profit businesses, including Corporations, LLCs, Single-Member LLCs, Partnerships, etc. are not eligible.
- Other services available include On-line banking, ACH payroll, Merchant MasterCard and Visa, Night Depository and Safe Deposit Boxes.
Additional business services are also available through our Lending department. For more information on any of these products and services, please stop in to one of our convenient locations or speak directly to one of our personal representatives at 615-666-2121.